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KOS-Online is a division of ISPpro Internet KG | |
Postal address: | ISPpro Internet KG Division KOS-Online Neue Str. 4 D-07639 Bad Klosterlausnitz GERMANY |
Headquarter: | Bad Klosterlausnitz, GERMANY |
Register: | AG Jena, HRA 202638 |
VAT Number: | 162/156/36600 |
International VAT Number.: | DE813856317 |
Tax office: | Jena |
Management: | Dirk Seidel |
Administration: | ISPpro Internet KG Neue Str. 4 D-07639 Bad Klosterlausnitz GERMANY |
Email General and Sales: | Email: info@kos-online.de |
Email technical Support: | |
Email Billing/Accounting: | |
Email Abuse/Complaints | |
Phone: | +49 (0) 3641 3101211 (standard operator fees apply) |
Data-Protection/GDPR: | GDPR requests are possible via section "GDPR Inquiry" in control panel. |
Out-of-Court Settlement: | European Commission provides a platform for consumers to make a complaint about a good or service you bought over the internet and find a neutral third party ("dispute resolution body") to handle the dispute. You can find it at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ |
Disclaimer & Notes: | "ISPpro" and "KOS-Online" are registered and protected trade marks of ISPpro Internet KG. We assume no liability for transmission errors, accuracy or completeness of information and entries on that server, as well as their representation. The mention of products and brands from other manufacturers or suppliers are
We cannot regard any guarantee of the selection, performance or use of these products or services. For content of external internet sites which may directly or indirectly accessed via hyperlinks on the pages contained on this domain, only the provider of the relevant external sites is responsible. We hereby dissociate ourselves from the contents of all linked pages on our home and we do not adopt these contents. If you visit the above sites despiting careful examination content that is criminal law or against public decency (for example, blasphemy, racism, glorification of violence or pornography), we ask you to notified us immediately to the email address: abuse@kundencontroller.de. |